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Pine Cottage Plants Dick and Lorna Fulcher
  Dick and Lorna Fulcher Blooming Agapanthus

Established in 1996, Pine Cottage Plants was a small nursery in Eggesford overlooking the Taw valley in rural mid Devon where owners Dick and Lorna Fulcher specialised in growing Agapanthus and breeding their own hybrids. After many years of horticulture in Scotland, including 10 years as head gardener of the National Trust for Scotland's Inverewe Garden and Estate, and 12 years at Bicton College in Devon, Dick’s experience is extensive. He was made an RHS Associate of Honour in 2012.

When Bowdens acquired Pine Cottage Plants in 2017, we also acquired a duplicate National Collection Plant Collection® - Agapanthus (Pine Cottage cultivars) which is viewable in the gardens at our Sticklepath nursery. The original collection is still viewable during Summer at Eggesford by appointment. 

Dick is widely experienced in horticulture and continues to advise Bowdens  on the growing of Agapanthus.
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